One stop Guide to Investing & Trading


Trader’s Pit is constantly working to improve your trading edge and be profitable. There is no holy grail. Which means learning is ongoing and always.

This means, the views are all a hypothesis and can change. What doesn’t change is the fundamental way of approaching trading and the share market as a whole.

I share my thoughts usually once a week in our free newsletter – you can sign up here for this 2-3 min read by clicking below:

Along term being a short and medium trader, I am also a long-term investor. I like to stay invested for as long as possible.

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Trader’s Pit

I am Rohit – the man behind Trader’s Pit.

I am in the stock market as trader and long term investor since 2008. I was an active portfolio manager till 2018. Took a break and then started working on

Trader’s Pit is a financial education blog with a focus on fin-tech, investing & overall stock market.